Frustration has purpose.
Hi Loves,
Everyone feels frustration from time to time and Frustration has a purpose. But what is the point of frustration? It’s to bring one to the point of knowing definitely what one wants by way of contrasting that which one discovers is not for them. Turning one in the direction that suits better. In this way it brings one to exactly where one knows what one wants.
Frustration and Struggle to escape the cocoon
So in the struggle of… whatever the frustration happens to be, maybe work, relationships, a difficult spouse or children, financial issues, whatever it may be, it’s all about bringing one to fruition instead of the frustration. Frustration is a tool to be listened to. Frustration is like being in the growth phase of becoming new, like the place where the caterpillar becomes pure liquid, inside the cocoon before becoming the butterfly.
Frustration into action
Going thru the frustration brings one to the actions, one must make in order to get to fruition. Some of us might realize ones responsibility, then change behaviors. However, frustration might be or become the go to habitual emotional state, a hamster wheel, the same cycle on repeat, for a number of reasons. Most of all when one refuses to take an analytical look at a situation and what part of the issue is our own responsibility (our ability to respond differently). Then responding with action, when feeling frustrated is growth, like the butterfly escaping the cocoon that was much needed at one time to hold and protect when in a state of change from pure liquid to a butterfly. That time is to be treasured with loving kindness and patience, for ones self.
Growth means Changing
All of these attitudes are valid for different situations and very changeable as one grows. Changing the thought about responsibility means the difference between power and powerlessness. You my love are powerful beyond what you are aware of. Think of all the frustration that you have had or are dealing with. How will that look if you know, you have the power with re-sponsive-ness in responsibility? Extremely powerful in deed. The same as going to get nurishment after the exertion of shedding the cocoon.
Changing Perspective
Because changing thinking is not always available without the help of a different perspective, finding the right support team is extremely important. Spouses or significant others, even good friends may see us more clearly than we may see ourselves, although expectations and impatience may hinder that relationship greatly. Finding someone with unconditional positive regard, someone who is experienced in assisting with changing seasons and perspectives and all that metamorphosis means is extremely valuable.
Supportive Self-Parenting
The right support team is vital to ones discovery of self and how to best self-parent. Being a great parent to oneself is one vital aspect of creating a life of fruition instead of frustration. Actually completing the developmental growth that happens in a cocoon, enabling flight. Frustration is a necessary part of growth, however if one stays in the frustration instead of growing through it, flight will be stagnated. Let’s get some assistance in changing perspectives and changing ones mind to a place that will solve what the frustration is and return to the intended growth towards flight.
“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”-Albert Einstein
Achieving ones goals often requires one to look at a number of behaviors, characteristics, patterns and situations. Someone said you can’t get there from where you’re at, this is true. Einstein said “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” I for one have never heard a truer word.
Good News
The good news is changing the mind is pretty simple for most working with a good coach. Especially one working with emotional freedom techniques. Cooling the fear center of the brain with such a simple natural technique brings one into emotional, physical, and even spiritual equilibrium.
Emotional Roots of Frustration
The emotions that are at the root cause of the unwanted habit or thought patterns that on is being held in place or stuck for lack of a better word, may have a variety sources or causes. However, whatever the cause or source without help finding it, can be nearly impossible. Finding success may be as difficult as pulling teeth or as easy as 123 with a good coach/EFT practitioner. Again I refer to Einstein’s quote.
There’s a lot of factors that go along with how difficult or easy one finds change, especially when random emotions sabotage good intentions. Good intentions are wonderful, however, without follow-through pointless. This we all know, emotion overrides willpower all most every time, especially with unresolved emotional issues.
Releasing stuck emotions
Considering humans are emotional with just about every aspect in life, when there is healing in one area there is usually tremendous healing in all areas when the emotions are healed. It’s like the reverse snowball effect instead of emotional frustrations building in building, they are released and let go of. Bringing resolution, peace, emotional grounded-ness, meaning that one is swayed by unforeseen circumstances less and less. Releasing more and more, layer by layer. Unwinding the string of the cocoon. Enabling one to take more relaxed strides, achieving more and more goals, until your life looks even better than you thought or imagined!
Stress & Anxiety of Frustration
So until one finds emotional healing, hinderance is expected from the best of what life is. That means being subject to the orneriness of life, stress, anxiety and inability for pure true connection.. I don’t know anybody who enjoys that kind of frustration. Keeping track with journaling helps many see and analyze patterns.
Releasing Fear and Receiving Joy
Loves, you and yours are worthy of finding loving, joyful relationship, with ones self and others. Remember resolving emotional issues definitely makes things better with you as well as your family, and community like a ripple effect in the water of your life. Leading to achieving goals and long desired dreams. Just imagine the effects when your dreams are realized. Amazing! You are taking flight, as you are meant to!
Much Love, Many Blessings to you and yours,
Lesley VanDeventer-Wit