Hi Loves,
Have you make any New Years resolutions this Year? Are they broke yet? For the majority of New Years resolution makers the answer is a resounding “Yes! All of mine are broken!” and by now forgotten!
What happens that all of those great New Years Resolutions that start as an absolute must, now turns to dust?!
Here’s what Forbes says are the most popular New Years resolutions are:
Improved fitness (48%)
Improved finances (38%)
Improved mental health (36%)
Lose weight (34%)
Improved diet (32%)
The bad news is that by the end of March the majority of resolutions are broken according to Forbes.com So here is some encouragement!
There are a few things that positively influences all of these. Working out and Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT) and getting a good coach. You might say even if I did work out, do EFT and I get a good coach, how is that going to influence my financial fitness? It does for the biggest majority of people, because working out improves mental/emotional health, physical health, possibly even in turn improved mental health makes for better decision making. EFT cools the amigdila aka fear center of the brain, which means that one who has done their work using EFT has more confidence in making quicker and more informed decisions. Definitely a confidence builder.* When making quicker smarter decisions, in a calm stress free frame of mind, one raises ability to be more financially fit.
Today consider training, consider putting your self in the category of an athlete. One may argue that there is no way to consider that you are an athlete. However everyone is in some way, even if it is only keeping the body fit enough to enable walking around the earth. Everyone is here for a reason, a purpose, an invention, or a calling. No matter how unimportant the calling seems, it is respectable. Because with one calling left undone, it leaves a hole in the environment of our lives. One does this, so another does that, a kind of community/environmental/cultural growth serendipity . Each of us affects the other. Symbiotic if you will.
1st challenge for today: Look at the older people in the world, What are they going through? The aging population, with out enough strength, must have help with basic needs.
Resolve to be an athlete, even if it is only to ensure ability to live in one’s body with out the need of assisted living.
There is no shame in assisted living by any means. There is a time we all need a bit of help, in many different ways. However, preferencing physical independence and relational interdependence is healthy. Those are some personal New Year resolutions, goals & my hope for you love.
Let’s decide to do something everyday for our physical body even if it is only stretching and eating well. Focus training on what one is able to do, instead of what the vision one sees in advertising dictates what ons ‘should’ look like.. Doing a little something is better than nothing. Perfect sometimes gets in the way of good, even worse sometimes perfection puts action to sleep. So give yourself the breaks and respect you deserve. Then try the next step up.
Building up strength as one goes. Setbacks are a given, we are human. Keep going, rest when needed and keep going. This life is hopefully a marathon not a 50 yard dash.
When 20 years pass, how old will you be? Not only in years but in physical strength/agility age. Chronological age never has to be the same as physical age. Hopefully a physical age of 20 years younger. May have heard a yea right! Well when one deals with ones fears, while keeping a passion for life with goals and things to look forward to, 20 years is not very long. What will you do for your future self?
If you are one of the majority of New Years Resolution breakers, give yourself the gift of showing up for yourself. A coach may be just the thing that gives you the extra push you need to achieve your goals for your future self. One part of getting a coach that raises your chances of achieving your goals is shown by a research study by The American Society of Training and Development. It shows that if you publicly commit your goals to someone, you will per default increase the chance of completing them with 65% but if you have an accountability partner it increases you chance of success to 95%!!!
2nd challenge for today: take a 15 minutes and tap(EFT) what ever is taking up your valuable mental space, let’s work on that, making room for growth.
3rd challenge for today: decide, plan, & do for you and you future self, that which you can do. Your future self and family will thank you later.
If there is no way to make these goals in a day, ok go for a week, maybe even a bit longer, but how ever long it takes, keep your calling, goals, future accomplishment in your foresight. Your future self will be so grateful you did, so will friends and family too.
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation here: https://calendly.com/lesleyvw/15-minute-consultation
Here for you.
Lesley VanDeventer-Witt
LifeEnergyRenewed llc.
#NewYearResolution #fit #calling #coach #independence #strength #agility #futureself #eft
For Information on grounding, here is a good read.